Tuesday Ten

I love weekly link roundups.  I think they’re a great way to find and share new articles, ideas, and insights that others may have missed or not even been aware of.  I thought I’d start my own series, Tuesday Ten, as my way of inspiring and encouraging you, as well as myself.


1 | It’s a new month, which means new releases on Netflix!  CNN has a useful roundup.

2 | Speaking of new releases, I found Spark! late last year, and I cannot wait for their new magazine.  In anticipation of their spring launch, they’ve given readers a sneak peek on their blog.

3 | Most of my teenage years were spent glued to the TV watching What Not To Wear, vowing to never have such awful fashion sense.  Into the Gloss has an interview with Stacy London that brings me back.

4 | Is it summer yet?  This J. Crew Factory skirt needs to be in my closet.

5 | I am awful at maintaining any kind of meal planning or cooking schedule.  There have been brief flashes of success, but nothing permanent.  Laken Nix, of Peach and Humble (one of my favorite blogs, by far), has given an inspiring breakdown of monthly meal planning.  Rather than a daunting revolving door of recipes and ingredients, this seems like something do-able for my busy schedule.  One and done.

6 | So, the Super Bowl happened.  And there may have been some over indulgences for us.  Over The Moon magazine has some tips for getting back on track and not hating yourself for it.

7 | Toasted coconut butter?!  Where have I been.  Thanks for enlightening me, Free People.

8 | Nobody simplifies food like McKel at Nutrition Stripped.  I loved her breakdown of proteins and the importance they play for everyone — carnivores, vegans, and everyone in between.

9 | I’ll admit, even though I’m nowhere near planning one myself, I spend more free time than necessary looking at weddings online.  100 Layer Cake featured a dreamy Austin wedding that has me, like the J. Crew skirt above, wishing for warmer weather and bursts of beautiful colors.

10 | Speaking of the Super Bowl, I’ve spent a little too much time on Huffington Post’s Super Bowl ads page.  Too much.

I’d love to hear what your favorite links this week are!

Image via Flickr under Creative Commons.

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